
    Can you not get a Strata Noticeboard to post notices so that you comply with the requirements, and email people who would like you to do so for practical purposes (since most people won’t read the noticeboard).  If owners don’t want to provide email addresses then they have to rely on the official provision which is the noticeboard.  (I am in NSW – maybe requirements are different elsewhere)

    Also our Strata Manager says we can get a by-law to allow for electronic delivery of official notices which we are thinking of doing, and I was under the impression that we could then just use email.  Is that not correct?

    I have been resisting doing the latter because we have several houses without computers or who wont provide an email address and it didn’t seem fair to those people, but the rest of the committee feel that in this day and age email is standard communication and notification by mail is the unusual situation.  If banks, government organisations and utilities are using email or the provision of statements and payments on their websites, then it is reasonable for us to replace our paper copies with email too, so they want to get the by-law to allow for electronic communication, or, if we cant do that, a noticeboard (but use unofficial email as well). It would certainly make my job as secretary easier.

    As well as the issue of cost, email has the advantage of being fairly immediate. Due to the changes to the postage system we have had to postpone meetings in the past because the notices hadn’t arrived 2 weeks later! (it has happened twice last year). The need to give 2-3 weeks notice of a meeting to ensure everyone gets their notice in time means that it is not possible to call a meeting quickly to deal with an issue. I think that in NSW Strata Laws says we need to give 3 days notice after the agenda arrive, so a meeting theoretically could be called in less than a week if it weren’t for the need to send the notices by snail mail.