
    There are no standard (or “model”) By-Laws that cover the situation that you describe, although there may be Special By-Laws registered for your Strata Plan that grant exclusive use of those ten (10) parking spaces to the Proprietors of certain Units.

    Special By-Laws are Plan / Property specific and arise from Resolutions taken at General Meetings of an Owners Corporation (e.g. AGM).

    Further, depending upon the age of your Plan parking spaces may not be shown on the “unit titles”, but whether they're Common Property or part of Individual Lots (Units) will definitely be shown on the Title Document for your overall Strata Plan.

    Assuming you're in NSW, use Jimmy T's link to the NSW Land & Property Management Authority (the old Land Titles Office) where you can for a small fee use their on-line Title Search facility to download everything you need to clarify the ownership of those parking spaces.