
    It's hard to say where you can appeal and on what grounds as you don't specify the “strata body”.  You probably need to run a new case through the CTTT to overturn the previous decision.

    Buying or swapping the two spaces has so many legal complications that an easier option might be to ask for a special resolution granting you use of the other space in perpetuity in exchange for the use of your space and a small amount of  'rent' for the extra space you described. 

    You would need to firstly sound them out then, if the EC supported the idea, pay for the drafting of the by-law and for the cost of the general meeting (if it wasn't a normal AGM).  This special resolution would rewuire a 75 percent vote in favour (but only of those who bothered to tun up at the meeting).  That would be my tactic but, of course, you couldn't make that a condition of the purchase.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.