
    However strongly I personally feel about something and however strident my comments, to maintain some emblance of objectivity, I have to be wary of overtly campaigning for or against anything.

    However, I am happy to point readers of my column and this website in the direction of change.org and freely allow readers to quote my comments and reprint my articles to support their case.

    In any case, airbnb thinks I am campaigning against them because, they say,  I have written 22 articles critical of them in the past year or two – and you can find most of them HERE, or HERE.

    Or you could just search this website which has, I think, nearly all of the past nearly 600 Flat Chat columns tucked away somewhere in its archives.

    Our problem is that our politicians a) really don’t understand the fragile relationships in strata living and b) don’t really care.

    I find it incredible that in the modern world, the way you change the law is to persuade enough people to break it (by allowing them to make money).

    Watch out for my upcoming article on 10 not very legal ways to keep short-stay lets out of your building.

    Hey, what’s sauce for the goose… and on that note, Merry Christmas.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.