Sir Humphrey

    @david2708 said:
    …I intend to show & print out the budget and come up with a dollar figure per unit of entitlement for the Admin & Capital works accounts rather than a percentage increase in the Agenda notes…
    Sneaky? …  

    Not sneaky. It’s what I’d expect. In the ACT, I think the actual amount of levies for each unit has to be presented in the meeting papers. Certainly that is what we always have. The budget is always included in the meeting papers with the agenda and meeting notice. How else can people decide whether to vote for it?

    The budget should show proposed expenditure for the year against various things as well as the levies that will be income. It has a bottom line that shows whether the balance is anticipated to stay exactly the same or go up or down. On occasions, as treasurer, I have proposed levies that are a bit more, a bit less or exactly the same as proposed expenditure for that year according to where our savings were up to.