Billen Ben

    wombat said:

    …. I have been to the CTTT on one occassion to have a compulsory manager appointed and with one of the ancilliary orders the adjudicator dealt with the validity of a number of meetings that had been held while in self management.

    Two meetings were invalidated because not enough notice was given….

    This i find astonishing. In one case i did the adjudicator ( a Senior Member) acknowledged that proper notice was not given but took no action because in his opinion there was still a good turn out on the day.

    CTTT are such a bunch of no-account reprobates.
    An SP, large, small or in-between, either needs to give proper notice or it does not and it should not be a case of how does some pompous “public servant” feel about the particular matter before him/her. These people are hopelessly inconsistent.

    I would agree that if a meeting is adjourned because of the number of non financial members then what is the point of the adjournment except to move to the position Jimmy points out above; i.e. where the quorum at the reconvened meeting can become those present regardless of how many that number is.

    I wish you well with your quest for clarity.