
    The issue is that the mailbox has a lock that is jammed open, the agent said on august 11 that she would contact strata regarding the repair, but then kept refusing to contact them a second time because “it’s entirely up to strata, I cannot push them”. She only agreed to contact them again after I told her that my debit card was stolen out of the mail box and hundreds of dollars of fradulent transactions was charged to my card.

    She shows no sign of telling me who the strata manager is or who the company is…I had to check the notice board, and the strata manager isn’t listed there, only the company is. The strata manager’s contact details or identity are not listed anywhere in the building that I can find.

    The receptionist at the strata company did tell me who the manager is, but immediately said she wasn’t supposed to and that I cannot contact him directly. I have written to the strata company’s email address regarding the mailbox, but have not received a reply. I could try contacting the strata manager directly, but I suspect he will tell me the same thing, that I cannot contact him directly. I am fairly certain the agent will not agree to CC me in emails either.

    I have requested that the agent call directly if she cannot get a response via email, but she has not replied yet. So my question is whether renters can contact the strata company/manager directly, and if yes, is there something official that i can show to prove it?