
    Puddn said
    Without consultation with the wider community, this committee is acting without ‘authority’ – in my view.

    That’s my concern too.  I’m much more comfortable making committee decisions that clearly fall within it’s functions as defined in the OC Act.

    Puddn said
    Austman – my experience tells me that your committee is taking the right approach by placing a motion on the next meeting agenda. It is now up to you and other owners to have your say.

    If enough owners agree with your point of view, then I doubt the committee would adopt the motion. If no-one objects, then the committee will likely feel it is ‘authorised’ to make an assumption that owners approve…….?  

    The proposal at the upcoming committee meeting is that the OC committee contact the council about the neighbourhood issues.  I’d be more comfortable if either all the owners were first consulted or that any approach is done as a group of rate payers rather than as the legal representative of the OC.