Faraway girl

    It can be very frustrating to read about residents in a Strata Scheme who don’t want to be on the Strata Committee, don’t usually attend meetings of either the Strata Committee ( to observe some of the issues they deal with) or the Owners Corporation ( when they see the Agenda and do not have an interest in the motions ) but then make a big issue if that same Strata Committee makes a decision that they don’t agree with. Suddenly the issues of the Strata Committee should be an issue for the Owners Corporation.   No.  You can’t elect a Committee and expect them to do all the work, and then when you don’t like what they decide, suddenly decide that that particular issue must go to the Owners Corporation.

    So in my humble opinion you can’t have it both ways . Either leave the Strata Committee to act on behalf of all owners and that means that sometimes you may not agree with their decisions but accept that they had the right to make them, or stand for election to the Strata Committee and influence what issues they should deal with and what issues you can propose should be taken to the Owners Corporation.