
    @Lady Penelope said:
    My two cents worth … and from experience …. after successfully getting a Material Change of Use development knocked back that adjoined my scheme in QLD due to all of our owners writing separate letters, sometimes the ‘thick file’ principle works.

    Thanks for your input.  We currently have a planning development proposed for our adjoining property.  And being in the inner-city, it’s actually physically adjoining! 

    Their proposed works might even require a protection order for our property as they are planning a one floor excavation to add a cellar right on the border – beside the foundations of our building.

    As that’s an issue that potentially affects common property I see it very much a committee issue.

    But for general neigbourhood issues, I’m not so sure a strata committee can get too involved as the representatives of all the owners.  I think it’s more for individual owners and neighbours to get together.  So a committee suggestion that all concerned owners write to the council might be the answer.

    I think though, as Jimmy T suggested, the committee member thinks a letter from the OC committee will have more “clout” with council than letters from some individual owners.