› Flat Chat Strata Forum › The Professionals › Can SM refuse to get more quotes? › Current Page
Dazzle .the NSW Strata Scheme Management Act requires three quotes for insurance. The Strata “Manager” works for the Owners Corporation and Strata Committee so if there is a decision ( in the minutes) of a meeting to do what you wish, then unless it is in conflict with the Act, I believe the SM is obliged to do it. Perhaps you could speak to the Chair and/ or Secretary of your Owners Corporation and ask her/him/ them to arrange to have this issue placed on the agenda. It would be helpful if you wrote the motion to be put. See below for the part of the Act related to insurance quotes.
A strata managing agent must provide the owners corporation with not less than 3 quotations from different providers for each type of insurance proposed by the agent to the owners corporation or provide written reasons to the owners corporation if less than 3 quotations are provided.