
    Hi all,

    I would like some advice on this topic please. Our 7 year old, 4 unit, NSW ‘Over 55s’ strata scheme is in a scenic area where short term airbnb or holiday lettings may be tempting for future owners but at present we have a >75% (possibly 100%) majority who have asked me to research amending the by-laws to prohibit short term rentals.

    At present, we have the Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2010 model bylaws so from the Fair Trading advice cited above, it would appear that we are OK as any lease under 3 months would be illegal.

    But to be doubly certain, I would like to propose adopting a suitable by-law specifically prohibiting any short-term rental agreements or lettings of less than 3 months. Can anyone suggest some suitable wording?

    We are going to hold a general meeting anyway to change our pet rules from Option B to Option C + fish anyway so it will be a good opportunity to deal with both issues at the same time and I have the full support of 3 out of 4 owners. Owner 4 sadly doesn’t live here due to ill health and his apartment is vacant. But we are sure he will not oppose and may even support this initiative.

    Thanks in advance.