
Thanks Lady Penelope.  There are no fees listed in the SM contract for accessing the records that I can see.

I am incredibly confident our SM does not like us very much and these fees are ‘made up’ to intimidate us as we ask way too many questions. Our SM has repeatedly stated they do not like to be ‘micromanaged’.

Our SM referred these ‘extra’ charges to the COO (OC) for approval.

In essence, our SM were asking some owners (OC of which my partner is a member) to give approval for other owners to view the records. School yard bully behaviour.

Rather than support every owners right to view records regardless of their reasons, the other members of the OC have asked us to tell them what information we are looking for that might justify the charges.

 Are smart phone photos for taking photos or document scanners allowed? Or is this a case of ‘just do it’?