Lady Penelope

    A non resident visitor/friend/family member etc using your garage space will not impact the strata insurance.

    Strata insurance is for common property. Strata Insurance policies are intended to cover the Owners Corporation for losses that occur in a common area that they can be held legally responsible for.

    Your garage space is your own property and your own responsibility to insure. As it is for every other owner who owns a garage space. You may wish to take out your own Contents Insurance and your own Public Liability Insurance for your own spaces. And always check that any trades person doing work on your property has a Certificate of Currency for their own insurance.

    As for the issue of ‘security’ – why is there an assumption being made by the Committee that your friend has/will create a security risk? Particularly if your friend has been using your garage for 15 years! This seems to be a totally unfounded assumption of a non existent ‘risk’.

    See here for some info on strata insurance cover: 
