Lady Penelope

    I would have thought that if an OC wanted to apply a strict no laundry on balcony policy that the OC should have a responsibility to provide common property drying lines.

    If not then it is unreasonable to impose additional costs on some owners (those with visible balconies) and those with less visible balconies.

    Costs for an owner with a visible balcony are: Dryer – with Condenser Clothes Dryers starting at approximately $600 with replacement possibly every 5 years. PLUS Electricity @ $2.27 per cycle.

    Costs for an owner with a less visible balcony are: Portable clothes dryer costing less than $50 with the electricity costs for drying being zero.

    If the owners with visible balconies are required to pay to frost their own glass balustrades then this will also unreasonably burden some owners and not others.

    Why not permit portable clothes lines with conditions that they be obscured wherever possible by barriers such as real or faux potted plants, or balcony furniture? There are faux box hedges, such as the one pictured below, that could act as screening material on a glass balcony.

    Boxwood hedge in Planterbox