
    Thank you Whale, FlatChatFan and Jimmy T!

    In response to FlatChatFan's query about the location of our flat, it's on the elevated ground floor, above three garages (which are flush with the building's facade), with another apartment above us. So there is no flat beneath us. The upstair's owner is interested in building a deck down the track; he has other priorities at present. But providing we can initially get informal approval from the other owners, we'll have our deck designed in such a way that it can support another deck.

    Re: our deck adding value to the building – I guess it's like window dressing. If it's a good-looking deck it should enhance the appearance of the building, making the building as a whole look more desirable. Does this make sense?

    Also, safety is the most important issue. We would get a structural engineer's report and only employ a highly-qualified builder. We also thought we'd build the deck in strong, durable, low-maintenance concrete, in the same colour as the building. A very simple concrete deck and railing on concrete columns (between each garage), which reference the neo-classical style of the building. We'd plant passionfruit, grapes, etc in front of the columns so they can wind around them, and provide fruit for our neighbours!!

    Thank you again for your advice. It's very kind and generous of you. Cheers, Diana