
    You might like to check to see if your parking space meets the standards that applied when your building was constructed.

    The standard that now applies seems to be AS/NZS 2890.1:2004  “Parking Facilities, Off Street Parking”.

    In the standard there are minimum width requirements for residential parallel parking bays.  For 45, 60 and 90 degree bays it’s 2,400mm unless it’s specifically designated as a space for small cars in which case it’s 2,300mm.

    But if there are adjacent obstructions (a wall, fence or columns) that restrict  a door from being opened, 300mm should be added to the minimum width.

    So in your case 2,700mm (2,600mm for a designated small space) would be the current requirement.

    If your space does not meet the standard that was required, when it was constructed (which might not be the same as the current standard), it might qualify as a building defect in which case the strata, assuming they are the owner of the pipes/wall, should make it right.

    Otherwise, I think it would be your expense.