Lady Penelope

    Mould is a tricky issue. If the cause of the mould is located outside of the boundaries of your lot, including inside the boundary walls then the Owner’s Corporation would be responsible for repairs and compensation. However, if the cause of the mould is within the boundaries of your lot such as from poor ventilation then you, as the lot owner, will be responsible for the damage.

    If you can prove that the mould problem is not a result of internal condensation caused by the negligence of your tenants; and can include the moisture readings from the interior of the common property ceiling; and can include the past history of OC roof repairs including the repair failures; and can prove that the OC were negligent in their lack of repairs to the OC ventilation system, then you can mount a good argument for the OC being responsible. 

    Also, if you are unhappy with the opinion of the plumber and/or contractor who carried out the original work then you have an option to seek another independent opinion that may be more satisfactory. 

    You may also want to obtain an independent mould assessment from a company such as this: https://www.sesa.com.au/mould-testing-inspection-sydney-nsw-act.html