Lady Penelope

    Weetbix – In addition, for an ordinary strata committee meeting (i.e. not a General Meeting) SSMA 2015 Schedule 2 Part 3 Section 8(2) may help:

    Part 3 – Meeting procedure

    8 Chairperson to preside


    (1) Chairperson to preside The chairperson of the owners corporation is to preside at any meeting at which the chairperson is present.

    (2) Presiding member where chairperson absent In the chairperson’s absence from a meeting, the members of the strata committee present at that meeting may elect one of their number to preside at that meeting and the person so elected is, while so presiding, taken to be the chairperson.

    (3) Chairperson does not have casting vote The chairperson does not have a casting vote in relation to any motion but may vote in his or her own right if otherwise entitled.

    (4) Chairperson may be only person present A meeting is, subject to the provisions of this Schedule relating to the quorum, validly held even though the only person present at the meeting is the chairperson of the owners corporation.