
I have totally given up on the CTTT.  The tribunal members, like the magistrates of our local courts, appear to me to be incredibly out of touch with reality & the community they are supposed to be serving.

My examples are many & the situations are almost unbelieveable (as many people inform me).

In future, I will be dealing with any strata issues myself even if it breaches the Act because I have witnessed first hand, many times, there are little consequences, if any.

Many, if not all, of the by-laws are meaningless & practicaly unenforceable & therefore, not worth a thing.

Every managing agent I have known (& there’s been a few) are lacking in a number of ways.

It is simply not worth the time, money & effort to go through the proper channels in strata.  I write this after 9 years of attempting to do so.

I do not recommend living in a strata property at all.