
    I hear you VNL. I too am dissolusioned with strata. It is not what iblieved it should be. We have by laws that residents have to follow, but there is nothing to compel an EC/OC to actually apply the by laws. Though they can pick and choose which by laws they do apply.

    I wanted the protection that I thought by laws afforded me. I follow the rules and regulations. And yet I am surrounded by people who do their own thing with impunity. But if I want to put down floorboards or a new kitchen I have to ask/advise or I am in breach of. And despite letting others get away with breeches, they an find me in breach of if they want to.

    Not to mentions he fact that they EC isn’t doing any repairs despite being advised of problems by me. But they aren’t responsible for maintenance. The OC is, of which I am a memberr of and I, the only one who follows the rules, has advised the EC but despite me being on the OC iand therefore responsible for repairs i can’t get the repairs done because the SM will only act on the direction of the EC, who aren’t directing anyone, not the SM to do repairs and not the residents who are in breach of. But the EC arent responsible for maintenance. It’s me snd the rest of the OC who is!

    Of course i can take these matters further to fair trading and CTTT. So here I am, dumb bunny, does the right thing, and has to spend own time and energy and maybe even money taking action to get done what should be done in strata without question. Otherwise why have by laws? Why have the act? If no one has to make anyone follow them, why have them?