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I have been having a look at some of the published submissions to the Standing Committee :
One thing a lot of submissions have in common is the idea CTTT are not very good at what they are doing, regardless of which CTTT division one is talking about. That should come as no real surpise to Flat-chat readers.
What i found interesting is that there is no submission from anyone named Jimmy T – unless it is one of the confidential ones or one of the name has been withheld submissions.
Also interesting was that SCA (Strata Community Australia (NSW)) support a new super tribunal provided ……
I can see someone getting up in Parliamnet saying SCA support the idea and not making any mention of the “conditions” that SCA feel are needed if a Super Tribunal is created.
I would ask that SCA looks back at the old Strata Schemes Board and its record. It was not as rubbish as CTTT so i would then ask does SCA really believe a newer Super Tribunal would improve things given the last Super Tribunal (CTTT) only made matter worse.
I appreciate what SCA are saying and believe if the conditions they talk about were implemented then a new Super Tribunal might be an improvement but who actually believes the conditions would be implemented.
What i completely agree with is the strata division becomes a specialist area. This same idea is promoted in several other submissions and across various other divisions of CTTT. It seems people want CTTT members to be specialists in specific areas and the specific areas to be specific.
Isn't it curious that it was, in a way, specialist areas that all got put together to create CTTT; now people want to somewhat segregate the divisions within the CTTT. It seems the “Super Tribunal” (CTTT) is not so super.
I recommend browsing some of the submissions – they are interesting.