
    @Felix said:
    Also is there any particular law firm who specializes in this sort of practice ?  

    I can’t really let this pass without mentioning our sponsors Sachs Gerace Broome who have, collectively, about a hundred years of experience in both company and, especially, strata law.

    The key considerations would be going from Copmany Title a system where the company owns everything and you are permitted to live in part of it, to Strata Title, where you own the inside of your flat and share ownership of the other bits of the building.

    The key to the latter is the Unit Entitlements which not only determine how much you pay in levies but how much of a vote you get at general meetings.  And to get accurate UEs you will need accurate professional surveys.  That is your starting point and everything follows from that.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.