
    If the paint is wrong because the painters screwed up, then they should fix it.

    Even if it is an unavoidable error – change of available colour options, for instance –  the owners should be informed.  I would be telling the EC to let everyone know what is going on – with paint samples if need be – to avoid problems before it is too late.  Most owners won’t care unless you are changing from cream to pink, and even then…

    If they refuse, and you feel strongly enough about it, you could apply to NCAT for an interim order to halt the painting until such times as the majority of owners have been give a chance to object or otherwise.

    Having said that, it’s probably not an issue you need to go to the barricades over.  However, your chairman needs to read up on strata law.  Informal decisions can be made by “ring-around” and chats but they have to be confirmed at a properly constituted meeting as soon as possible thereafter.

    Otherwise the people making the decisions at these off-the-books meetings could find they are personally liable when things go wrong.

    SCA-NSW offers a great, free online training scheme for EC members. Sounds like your chairman needs to do it as a matter of urgency.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.