
    Bad idea. I can think of four good reasons for not doing it.

    Firstly, you lose control over the look of the windows which affects the look of the building and therefore the value of all apartments.

    Then if someone refused to fix their windows it can affect the integrity of the structure if there is ingress of water into the cavity between walls.

    Thirdly, it undermines the sense community and shared responsibility.  How about if the majority of the people in the building make the roof the sole responsibility of the people on the top floor – hey, we’re in the majority and they ARE the roof for the people one floor down.  If people don’t want to live as part of community, they have these really cool things called houses.

    Finally, if one side of the building suffers more wear and tear from weather than the other three, there’s your 25 percent vote that could and should block any changes to the by-laws.




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