Sir Humphrey

    With only 12 owners, perhaps you can enlist enough of them to help do the work. Certainly, with so few owners, you should be able to talk to many of them face to face or phone them if non-resident.

    Option 1 might be to do some work, buy some plants and do it at your own expense and effort. I would only do this if you have at least a few of those 12  owners on side and helping out with labour and the cost of some plants. Then you could probably not worry about the few who might be non-resident or not interested. Perhaps work on one corner initially rather than scaring people by suddenly appearing to take over everything.

    Option 2 might be as above but formalised by finding enough other owners to call a general meeting and formally make a decision to spruce up the grounds and make a call on the general maintenance component that you probably have in the budget to get started. Perhaps there is a maintenance amount that is not being spent? Do you have an EC at all or was everything handed over to the agent?

    Option 3 might be to wait for the next AGM and propose an increased amount in the budget for grounds maintenance and improvements.