
    @Boronia said:
    If you had a stand alone property which you rented out, and similar works were required to it with the same effect on your tenant(s), what would you do? Who would compensate you?

    With a stand-alone property, you could choose if the work was going to be done, when it was going to be done, how long it would take and you’d be be the sole beneficiary of the work when it was completed.

    In strata you could have to put up with the disruption of work that might only interfere with your apartment but have no direct benefit to you.

    If your stand-along home owner’s work blocked the driveway of the house next door, would you expect them to suck it up and not complain?  You don’t lose all your rights as an individual just because you buy a strata unit.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.