
    KerryR – I can't think of an easy way to resolve your problem, but on the basis of the reasonable attitude that you've obviously adopted I'm sure you'll find a way forward.

    So in recognition of the fact that you were aware of the positioning of the hotwater system at the time of your purchase, here are a couple of suggestions; neither easy, but I'd suggest that you do the initial leg-work and take the results and your then preferred option to your Owners Corporation (O/C):

    1. Contact NSW Land & Property Information (incorporating the old Land Titles Office) and discuss with them the options for a Strata Sub-Division. That procedure would remove the 3.2m2 from your Lot and place it on the Common Property (CP) and adjust your Unit Entitlement accordingly, and whilst it involves the same process as Strata Titling a whole building, the costs of doing so are proportionate to the area of land involved; in your case a mere 3.2m2.
    2. Arrange for a Plumber (preferably one used by your O/C) to provide some advice regarding whereabouts on the CP the hotwater system could be practicably be relocated, the indicative costs of doing that, and the disadvantages to the O/C of leaving the system where it is (e.g. emergency access). This may cost you a service call, but it's worth the expense.

    By doing the leg-work yourself you will not only be better informed, and better able to decide upon your preferred solution, but you'll demonstrate to your O/C a determination to see the problem resolved.