
Hi KerryR


Prior to going any further, you should be 100% certain that there is no easment or other right of access for the HW service, as it seems odd that it would be located on a private entitlement.

There may be special by-laws or a provision on title that maintained the HW service as common property. Is the only means of accessing the HW service via your Lot or can it also be accessed from another entry point not on your property?

That said, I believe (and I could be wrong) that your outdoor entitlement only extends 3m above the ground – above that it is common property: you did mention that it is a raised platform, but a 3m+ platform seems quite impractical for a HW service.

Perhaps politely asking the OC to explain why the HW service sits within private property would be a good starting point. It may be that your title entitlements were changed at some point and this information will assist you to take the next steps