
We are in a small block. Only one of the owners does not have a car space on title, and we are in an area where parking is at a premium. She is proposing to widen the driveway and expand across the front garden – which is not in great condition. This will be a fairly major job for which she has undertaken to pay. At the moment she is opting for a bylaw that grants her exclusive use of that land and responsibility for upkeep, with or without a time limit. She does not think that she needs to pay any money to the other owners for the land or use of land for the driveway, as she argues that we don't really use that land anyway (although we have begun improving the front garden recently).

Do you think that the bylaw is a good way of going about this kind of change and exclusive access?

Or would we better going down the path of her buying the land according to the Houghton formula and putting it on her title?

Or are there other imaginative options that are available? 

Also, how would this affect her strata rates? At the moment she pays less because she does not have a driveway on title.