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taps – as you’ve been continually referring to the plumber’s repairs in the past tense I assumed until now that everything, including that minor extension into the Owner’s Lot, had been left as it originally was at the completion of those.
That’s what your Owners Corporation (O/C) should have done for a marginally additional cost, and what it should do now for more than that!
This is much ado about nothing in my opinion, and so it seems to me that there’s some bad feelings between that Lot Owner and the Strata Manager and/or the Executive Committee.
So whilst I suggest that they simply suck-it-up, if there’s more to all of this than it appears, then your O/C could attempt to have the Lot Owner agree in writing to accept responsibility for the minor extension of the common supply into their Lot, and if they refuse, then jump-the-gun on their threat of legal action by taking them to mediation in the hope that facilitated discussions will achieve that outcome.