
    Scott – you have the same rights as every other resident, but as an Owner you have the additional ability to do some research on how best to improve the reliability of the communal hotwater system, and to put a Motion on the Agenda of the next General Meeting of your Owners Corporation (O/C) to seek to implement that.

    Realistically though, the current weather event is extreme and electricians are probably working their collective butts off in attending to related issues.

    With regard the possibility of you opting-out of the communal hotwater system, its operating costs are probably embedded within the Administrative Fund Budget, and removing you from that would not be easy, and so your O/C would probably be reluctant to even attempt that.

    Similarly, your installation of a gas-fired externally mounted system to supply hotwater to your Lot only would require a special resolution in that regard to be put to a General Meeting, where ≥75% of those then voting (incl. by proxy) would need to do so in favour in order for your proposal to fly, and unless other Owners have similar proposals you alone would be additionally required to fund the drafting and Registration of a special by-law (SBL) setting out the nature of the consent and any conditions imposed by the O/C to your installation, such as making you responsible for your system’s on-going maintenance and repair.

    Have you considered an instantaneous electric system installed wholly within your Unit, just to supply hotwater to a shower during periods when the communal system is out-of-service? They’re < $200 and no O/C consent or SBL would then be necessary.