
    Thanks KP.  The EC did have this on the agenda at the last AGM which is now over a year ago.  They then found this SM.  An EGM was held in middle of year and the useless EC recommended this SM which the owners agreed to.  You see, it was the SM according to the EC and the owners that had caused no work to be done in the complex.  So the new SM was appointed.  But the EC forgot to sign and send in paperwork.  This almost resulted in a sale of a unit in complex 

    The EC have personally told me in correspondence that they have approved a quote for maintenance works in June last year.  They then told all owners in writing that they had agreed on a quote for these works in October last year.  The work is still outstanding.  But it was the old SM that caused all the problems.

    The painting of this complex is some three or four years over due.  For a complex of this age (12 years) we should actually be looking at repainting.  The painting quotes have been done over and over.  At the  EGM owners voted on a quote and it was agreed to go ahead.  They have since had the job requoted by another company as the first company has quoted twice I would assume they are no longer interested in wasting their valuable time for no result.  But this other quote has now expired.  I suppose there will have to be another quote which could be voted on at the AGM that should have been held last month but we have heard nothing.

    With any new strata reforms EC’s should be held accountable for not acting on maintenance issues and letting costs blow out as a result.  I would like to see our EC held personally liable for their actions, or should I say inactions.  But their response is they are covered by insurance.  And so they sit back.  And the owners sit back.  I have tried.  I have advised of maintenance issues.  One year and two months later, now I sit back.