
    After firstly perusing this site several months ago, I was disappointed at the limited information on company title home unit blocks; in fact that frustration extended to finding anything on the internet in general, relating to these older style unit blocks based on Corporation legislation. Everything seems to relate to Strata Title unit blocks.

    However, it has come to my attention that Parliament is due to pass a bill permitting Local Courts to deal with dispute resolution by magistrates only. Is this a plus for residents/shareholders who formerly could only have the Equity Division of the Supreme Court as the forum to decide disputes??

    Of course, no-one in times past ever went to the Supreme Court as the cost of litigation prohibited such proceedings. I can only find one example of such company title case law.

    I am a frustrated shareholder owning a unit/shares in a company title unit block. I am frustrated about dozens of issues in our unit block that would fill an encyclopaedia brittanica. These issues run from a non shareholder chairing meetings because his non English speaking wife can’t, to other issues such as use of common property area. I am so frustrated that I am on the verge of becoming litigious.

    However, what are the implications of this new legislation? Will it open a can of worms of festering cases now being placed before the lower court? Is it still cost prohibitive? How can a magistrates order be enforced?

    How about it Jimmy???? I want and need some answers??? can you write about this so that the Hmmmm….., 250+ buildings in Sydney( or elsewhere for that matter) that are company title have an informed opinion about what changes can be in store for us??

    P.S A copy of the bill can be downloaded from the Local Courts website.