
    Hi Scotlandx

    At the most, 2 lot owners (apart from the lot owner alone benefiting from the works) will suffer inconvenience.

    Your point on the compensation coming from all the owners’ funds is correct, but to date the Strata Committee’s members have dipped into Owners’ funds for their benefit. They have had overpriced repairs made to OC assets they use (for which the OC is responsible to repair) and bluntly refused tenders or cheaper options supplied to other lot owners. They also let contracts (at inflated prices) to a friend, without seeking tenders for the works. They reminded me that all they need is one quote. When I pushed the matter, they retroactively “approved” invoices.

    As mentioned in my first post, the OC offered compensation to the lot owner who, along with his tenants, will enjoy the new terrace, to the exclusion of every other owner.

    I know the noise will be horrific given comments made to me by two SC members when I queried the upcoming works and believe that my tenants’ right to peace & enjoyment  will suffer.

    I don’t feel it right that the OC should escape liability for compensating the 2 lots that will suffer greatly.