

    Even when you win a court case you lose.

    However if you get a good lawyer, he will be able to write the threatening letters, initiate a case and then use mediation to get you a result. At mediation you won’t get  everything you want, but the costs are cheaper. 

    If mediation does not work and you take it to court, you will get more of your costs returned if the court awards you more than you were prepared to settle for.

    But at then end of the day , decide whether you want to fight for the principle ( a sure way to do your dough) , whether you can just wear the loss, or whether a mediated settlement will suit you.

    ( Also maybe one of the lawyers on the forum can kick in. But generally you can expect to get back about 80% of your legal costs. UNLESS your  lawyer is charging to send you birthday and Christmas cards. )
