
    I think your committee has got itself into a mess by thinking that 110.6 (b) allows then to include any other changes they want as minor alterations when there are limits on that, including 110.7 (c):

    (7) This section does not apply to the following work:
    (c) work that changes the external appearance of a lot …

    Since they can’t create a by-law that supersedes the Act then anything that changes the outward appearance of the lot – like French windows and, indeed, an awning – would be kicked up to the next level and would, indeed require a by-law that included your acceptance of repairs to and maintenance of the awning and the common property to which it is attached.

    I would urge them to look at passing a catch-all by-law that would include any work like yours that owners could use as an off-the-peg solution where you just added the specifics of the work you wanted to do and they were then covered by it.

    The by-law they have is open to too many erroneous interpretations and should be scrapped and replaced with an new catch-all by-law and a non-exhaustive list of items to which it might apply.

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