
    I'd like you to meet our Executive Committee:

    One regularly leaves the rubbish outside his front door in the common property hall / stairwell.

    One has 'landscaped' the common garden area outside his ground floor unit to suit his own tastes making it look different to everywhere else.

    One rents his large garage to three different tenants who all come and go separately with accompanying squeaky opening and closing of doors and (small, luckily) motor bikes firing up and other noise.

    One lives elsewhere and we never see her. 

    The Chairperson and Secretary don't seem to do anything you'd think they might be supposed to do, and the Strata Manager at one of the big firms is nicknamed 'Fob-off Frank'.

    The locked notice board has year-old minutes on it, no by-laws to be seen. The trees need lopping. The carpets need cleaning. There are pockets of junk everywhere. The cleaner is hopeless, so is the gardener. There is always a 'proxy-holding-mama' at the AGM disenfranchasing those who want things to improve. This has just happened again.

    What to do, please, oh clever ones?