
I had to laugh and cry at the same time!! Our problematic exec committee has been dominated by the one person for 25 years! And guess what he is a CTTT Tribunal member. New owners cannot get on the ec and be proactive unless you agree with him. He dictates with the use of proxies and puts a motion on AGM agendas that there only be 4 on the ec-being himself and his 2 'supporters'.Anyone else get abused and defamed. He bends the rules to suit himself saying 'you have to apply a broadbrush stroke to the SSMA'.

As for the OFT. They released an owners private information during the 'mediation' paper process which this character took advantage of and then circulated to all owners.

A formal complaint to the Chairperson of the CTTT is dismissed by stating that he is acting “as a private citizen”.

There has been a history of sales to get away from the dominance of this person. Verbal abuse and threats to a female ec member, in a meeting on the common property forced her to seek an AVO from the Local Court.It was applied instantly. Her letter to the OC requesting the behaviour to be dealt with was rejected by this character as the AVO is against his mate who continued to attend meetings as an ec member.He also gets paid yearly for being on the ec!

Simple requests for maintenance are not attended to but he has decided on a $2000 'special levy' so that the roof on HIS building can be updated. There is already sufficient funds in the bank to deal with that job. Levies, despite being low, still add up if you don't spend! And the books have NEVER been audited.

His supporters can put air conditioners on common property without written application or approval but woe betide anyone else trying anything without “permission” then suddenly the Act is quoted.His 2 supporters declare they don't need to know what s62 is as they “have the advice present”.

There is currently a joint application in to the CTTT applying for an Order to appoint a licensed strata manager. It was lodged 6 months ago. This person makes declarations in a meeting revealing that he has knowledge of our application but we applicants can not get an answer on why it is taking so long.

So I agree, living in NSW strata is a nightmare where you have many obligations but no rights and certainly no assurance of assistance and fair justice from the “regulatory body”, the CTTT.