
    PK – so here's another one of those complications that we discussed in another post to Flat Chat .

    If there's one thing that I've learn't about operational strata management, it's that there will almost always be conflicts (within the interpretation of the rules) that can get in the way of resolution; if we let them.

    Alfred's original query was about a water supply isolating tap to his Lot that leaked and the water damaged his cupboard, and I believe the salient point to be that the tap controlled the supply to his Lot alone; irrespective of where bits of that valve were or weren't.

    Discussions between Lot Owners, Executive Committees, Strata Managers et al concerning the complications such as what part of the tap leaked, how much of the tap was within the air space of the Lot and how much was within the wall, and whether that wall was a common or internal wall will just see a continuance of the discussions – possibly in the CTTT (heaven forbid).

    I'm very much into a logical, reasonable, agreeable, logically correct, and consistently applied (in the Plan) resolutions to matters such as Alfred raised; I think that's what the Forum achieved.