
    Scotland’s, thanks for your insight and follow on question. The sequence of events are:

    Nov 2015 EC commissioned Building report.

    Feb 2016 Building report presented to EC (highlighting brickwork pointing and spalling spots) the Building is circa 1972 consisting of 8 levels 24×3 bed units and in general good solid condition) however whilst the scope of remedial works were consistent to brickwork pointing and other important parts of the external facade structure , the Unit in question balcony was reported to have significant spalling with floor lifting in many areas. All other balconies were not highlighted as being in any way problematic.

    March 2016 – AGM approved motion for remedial works and special levy.

    April/May 2016 – building contract confirmed and commenced works. Contractor requested to undertake inspection of areas in report prior to commencing so as to program works for residents/tenants. At this time some EC members were called upon by contractor to assist access with the tenanted unit in question and discovered the extensive degraded balcony. So degraded that the project management & contractor indicated the balcony could fail in the future!


    June 2016 – EC approach Strata manager with question as to the level of “neglect” The Strata manager had no record of this and contacted the managing agent who stated that they had several times reported this to the owner who allegedly responded that “that’s the owners corporation problem”.

    No doubt it is, however there is definite neglect and the OC support the overall remedial works of the building in a timely manner. Yet the significant degradation on only one balcony floor that risks failure is both a questionable safety and responsibilty concern as to whether the OC can pursue this owner for additional repair costs for his balcony. At the time of writing the owner has not paid the 1st instalment of his special levy that was due and has been paid by all other owners on 1st June.

    There is now some concern as to the situation of this particular owner not having paid the 1st levy and whether the works in his balcony be programmed. We sense that a well documented letter be sent to the owner outlining the above. Also, as this is a tenanted unit surely there must be some concerns from the tenants and managing agent?

    Thanks for taking the time to read the above.

    best regards