
    I am in similar situation.  The hot water  supply would leak once a year and OC would call in plumbers to investigate and rectify.  Each time they had to drill a hole through the wall to find and fix the pipe and they would fix the wall afterward.  This has happened twice previously and 

    – The first time 2 years ago, OC had the wall repainted as well.

    – However last year, the strata manager said painting within the unit is the owners' responsibility, no matter how the damage occurred.  We ended up repainting at our own expense.


    Another incident just happened and I forwarded the following from the Act to the strata manager:

    “An owners corporation is liable for any damage to a lot or any of its contents caused by or arising out of the carrying out of any work, or the exercise of a power of entry, referred to in this section unless the damage arose because the owners corporation was obstructed or hindered.”


    The strata manager replied:

    “As previously advised, the paint is the Owners Responsibility to repair and maintain. If the Committee would like to waive this, they have authority to do so, the Act and also the building insurance is very specific though.”


    What is correct?   Is there a part of the Act that says painting damaged due to the repair work is owner's responsibility?