
    @Jeff said:
     I’m seriously over this character and other than seeking an AVO would like to know is there anything else I can do to stop this behavior. Phew….  

    I think you may be hamstringing yourself by not seeking an AVO. APVOs (apprehended personal violence orders) cover things like  harassment and stalking, both of which seem to have occurred here.  

    However, one thing you must do if you go down this road is go the whole way.  Threatening and then not going through with it just empowers the Bullies.

    Another tactic, as described above, would be to present a motion at your EC asking them to write to the owner telling him to cease and desist.  This was an Owners Corporation matter so they have to take responsibility for some of the consequences and can’t pass it off as a private dispute.

    A calm recounting of events, naming the person, will put their behaviour on the record and may be enough to get them to pull their head in.  Remember, ECs have qualified privilege in matters relating to the running of the building so the risk of being sued for defamation is relatively low as long as the action is done in good faith with the absence of malice.

    Otherwise, have a look at this website on bullying and this one on how to apply for an AVO.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.