
After reading everything I can get my hands on about bullying including corporate bullying and bullying in the work place, and seeing oft-repeated phrases about the fiduciary duties of Executive Committees, probity, transparency etc. And phoning various organisations… I still can’t discover how an Executive Committee member can be held ‘personally liable’ for not acting on obvious and documented bullying by an Executive Committee member, in fact two acting in cahoots.

Our Strata Manager says, of the paragraph below (which also appears in my original post above), “Oh, that’s just very general advice. Ring Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Wink

“If you’re on an executive committee and someone reports an incidence of bullying to you it must be taken seriously. Bullying creates a risk for the health and safety of the person or group of people it’s affecting. As a committee member you may also be held personally liable if you are aware of certain behaviour but did nothing to address the issue.”