
Thanks guys.

As the chair I’ll take your recommendation and say so at the meeting that the by-law is not in breach but take a vote to confirm that.

Does this mean that the owner who submitted this motion for inlcusion into the agenda and the two owners that it refers to have to abstain from voting as it would be a “conflict of interest”?

PS: I have FINALLY found a licenced Strata Manager (branching out and starting up her own business) to take us on! Yay!!! But she has said that after 12 months if there continues to ibe nternal disputes/conflicts and no moving forward with deadlock votes in regards to common property repairs/replacement then she will resign.

Following on from our AGM, I’m going to have to go Mediation/NCAT under Sect 232 as an owner to force the OC to replace the boundary fence and to replace main bedroom windows (seized and 50 years old) to be compliant with the child locks legislation….again deadlock decisions made by our OC.

But….I’m still happy that someone is prepared to take us on! 🙂

Sorry I got side tracked…do these three owners have to abstained from voting as it relates to them?