
What is majority? said:

Hi all, our Executive Committee has 8 members in a strata of 27 owners.

Do we need 4 OR 5 votes out of 8 in order to achieve a 'majority' vote so that we can act on issues?

With the chairman being unable to give a casting vote, does that mean that if we have 4 votes out of 8 with one of the vote belonging to the chairman, then we can't proceed? That we can only go ahead if we have 5 votes out of 8 if it includes the chairman's vote?

Sorry if it sounds confusing.

Dear Guest


Good question.  You need a quorum of Executive Committee members to convene a meeting.  A quorum is one half of the members (so 4 in your case) – see clause 9 of Schedule 3 to the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (the Act).  The quorum requires a majority vote in order to pass a resolution.  This means 51 per cent of those present. (see clause 11 of the Act). 

So, lets say all 8 members are at the meeting.  The Executive Committee requires 5 votes to pass a resolution.  The Chairperson only has one vote and not a casting vote (unless he is a substitute for another member who is absent, then he will have two votes).

Even if you have the bare quorum (4 members), the Executive Committee will require 3 votes to pass a resolution.  

Each member has 1 vote.  Poll votes do not apply at EC meetings.


Loraine Booth

