
    Millie, the information in your post is truly alarming. So no amount of Special Resolutions or Special By-laws can ultimately prevent the usurpation of a persons private property? ‘What’s mine is mine and what’s your is mine also’ – so says the NSW government (and anyone deemed to be its mate). We really have no effective control then of the considerable investment in our own homes if governments can do as you say with impunity. It appears that our considerable financial investment in our homes is at the mercy of any pirate who casts a greedy eye on it.

    Of course, I realize that a significant aspect of the strategy of the NSW government’s enforced amalgamation of local council’s is to gain ultimate control of zoning restrictions, thereby eroding the rights of strata schemes to manage their own affairs. Clearly, the law is no help at all since few can afford a protracted lawyers picnic in the Supreme Court. If the votes of Strata owners can ultimately to be overridden in the manner you outline here, what recourse do owners have in the face of such contempt by our elected representatives for the rights of private ownership? Something is very wrong in all of this.