
    The CTTT's adjudicators have a specific power that allows them to correct levies when they have clearly been skewed to favour one owner, usually either the develepors themselves or purchasers of large apartments or commercial areas whom they are trying to lure to the building.

    The cheapest way to go about this is to get unanimous agreement from all owners to re-allocate unit entitlements.  But seriously, that's never going to happen. Instead you need to consult a specialist strata surveyor with a track record in this area who knows exactly what need to be done to present a compelling case to the CTTT. I'm not sure but I think I remember reading somewhere that in some cases the CTTT can order the developer to refund the Owners Corporation all the money they failed to pay.

    Unless the difference is miniscule, it's worth it and the success rates for the best companies are incredibly high, so go for it

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.