
    The simple answer might be to paint over the disabled  parking markings and let those no longer able to park pursue the EC.

    However, I think you should take this as an opportunity to work out what the community wants and needs, plus your legal obligations. 

    Propose in a motion to the to the EC that it agrees to “consolidate” common property, as per the original strata plan, plus any subsequent adjustments that have been registered as by-laws.

    Then propose another motion to identify some “loading zones” and establish the length of time they may be used (you may need a by-law for this).

    Also, find a space for disabled visitor parking.  Define the length of time visitors are allowed to park (again, a by-law may be required).

    Meanwhile, find out form councilwhat your legal oblif=gatiosn are when it comes to disabled parking.  

    Then, further down the track, issue Notices to Comply to anyone who parks in the loading zone and/or the disabled visitor parking without a permit and/or for too long. 

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.