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I am going after the parents. The son does not care. I am putting everything on the parents. Make them understand what sort of son they have. There is no lease agreement between the son and parents. I have to go after the parents. I am sure any letters or notices he receives directly he trashes. If I make a claim at SAT it will be in the parents name not the tenants.
Maybe I could take a full page advert in the local paper detailing out the stuff I have put up with that breaches strata and council laws. Not lying simply advising the locals the sort of person we have as a neighbour. hmmmmm…
My council still has not analysed the noise recordings getting very unhappy with the delays and the lack of help. As I see the state laws can only be pursued through the council not courts.
Any how I have an exam on Monday I will let rip at any noise I put up with until then. I put up with any noise that disturbs me I will go to SAT, lawyers the works.